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A Whole New World With Dr. K

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What is Neuro Fat Loss Training and why does it work so fast?

Neuro Fat Loss training is the integration of nervous system and fat loss training all in one.  Essentially, as a doctor of physical therapy, I created Double Edged Fat Loss (based on the principles of Neuro Fat Loss Training) to solve a HUGE problem in the fitness community that literally no one else is addressing:

FACT:  If you’re like 99.9% of exercisers, your nervous system is operating a very elementary level, and it’s absolutely holding you back from experiencing the most rapid fat loss results.

How and why?

Bottom line:  most people simply do not understand how to properly communicate with their nervous systems, and as such are missing out on at least 60-80% of the metabolic potential of every single exercise they do.  In fact, even advanced trainees tend to be “under-achieving” by at least 30-50%.

Can you just imagine how much faster you’d progress if you were able to double or triple the metabolic effectiveness of each and every exercise you do?  The answer:  A LOT FASTER.

Going back to the problem, inefficient nervous system communication results in:

  • poor signaling leading to decreased force output and sub-par muscular contractions
  • less overall motor units recruited
  • less weight used for every exercise, set, and rep (for a workout requiring 10 sets of 10 reps, that inefficiency is compounded 100 TIMES over)
  • overall less work done in any given session
  • neuro-muscular fatigue occurring before muscles even receive the necessary stimulus to grow and/or strengthen
  • fewer calories burned
  • overall decreased metabolic effect of exercise even when the same effort is put forth (the same effort for 1/4 of the results)
  • dramatically less fat loss

On the other hand, an extremely efficient nervous system results in:

  • greater signaling, leading to greater, faster, more intense contractions
  • increased loads used for every single exercise, set, and rep (compound that improvement 100 times over for a workout requiring 10 sets of 10) - and that’s just one workout - imagine the effect this will have over 4 weeks worth of workouts!
  • increased motor unit recruitment
  • more stimulus from the same work
  • greater strength gains
  • greater lean muscle gains
  • greater metabolic cost of every single exercise you do
  • more calories burned (acutely/immediate)
  • exponentially greater fat loss over time

Legitimately, the difference in the rate of fat loss between the above two examples is the difference between getting in incredible shape for summer and being self-conscious all the way through August.

This is also the difference between hitting and maintaining your ideal body weight easily versus struggling for the rest of your life—period.

With Doubled Edged Fat Loss and revolutionary Neuro Fat Loss Training, you’ll find yourself in the latter group, progressing faster than ever before because the foundation of your training is built around strengthening what matters most to your results—your nervous system.

Click HERE to Get It At 66% OFF

Can I do these workouts athome and if so, how much equipment is required?

Yes, absolutely, these workouts are so simplistic that you can do them virtually anywhere, and with very minimal equipment. In fact, each workout only requires one piece of equipment (a single dumbbell, a weight plate, etc)—that’s it!  And even if you don’t have any “weights” at all, I show you how you can get around that limitation by using regular household items in their place.

No gym membership required!  Of course, if you do have a gym membership, you can certainly do these workouts (and wow your friends with all the cool, never-before-seen exercises you’ll be doing) at your local facility.

Will I have to wait for you to ship me all this information before I can get started?

Nope!  With Doubled Edged Fat Loss, there is no waiting!  All the course material is digitally provided to you within the Members Area of the website immediately when you order, so you can get started with your results today.

I don’t have a lot of time – how long and how often are the workouts?

Doubled Edged Fat Loss is the busy person’s dream come true!  In fact, those who have time constraints can begin getting results in as little as 25 minutes per workout and just two days per week.  And for those who have more time on their hands, the maximum time required is still only 30-40 minutes per workout, 4 days per week.

Whatever time you have available, there is a Double Edged Fat Loss option for you in the Members Area—and as mentioned, you can even do these workouts right at home (even if you have a gym membership), cutting out the commute anytime time is tight.

Click HERE to Get It At 66% OFF

I’m not in my 20’s or 30’s, will these workouts still work for someone considerably older?

Yes!  Believe it or not, some of my star clients are in their 60’s and the best part about Double Edged Fat Loss is that the workouts are all scaleable based on your age, fitness level, etc.  I show you how to do it all in the members area.

Are these workouts more for beginners or experienced exercisers?

As mentioned above, Double Edged Fat Loss is a completely scalable program based on your fitness level.  I show you how to make each exercise easier or harder (all the way to extremely challenging) to accommodate you as an individual.

And here’s one more VERY important note:  whether you are a complete beginner or consider yourself more “advanced”, the time to start strengthening your nervous system connection is today.

Again, most exercisers, even advanced exercisers, are missing out on anywhere from 30-80% of the metabolic potential of each and every exercise they do.  It’s time to start achieving more from the work you put in—two or three times more.  That’s what Double Edged Fat Loss delivers.

Click HERE to Get It At 66% OFF

Can these workouts be used by women, too?

Of course, a large portion of our client base is women!  Just take a look at what my star client Adina has to say about Double Edged Fat Loss:

What if it doesn’t work for me?

Then you pay nothing! With our 60 day money back guarantee, you have a full 60 days to evaluate the program (and the results), and if at any point you feel I’ve let you down, just let us know with a simple email and we’ll ensure you receive a prompt and courteous refund.

You see, I can make a guarantee like that for one simple reason:  this system, when followed, WORKS.  I want to get it in your hands, I want to help you, and I want to take care of you.  The burden to deliver is 100% on me—the only thing you need to do is allow me to prove it to you!

Simply put, right now, you have an incredible opportunity to lock in your fat loss future at 66% off and completely risk free—but if you come back later, the deal may be history. Get in before it’s too late:

Click HERE to Get It At 66% OFF